
Susunan Redaksi

Pelindung    :  Mam Nurhayati Mariyana             Videograper :  M.Jeffry Senatriaro Photografer :  Muhammad Ayondi Ramadhan Editor       :  M.Jeffry senatriarno, Najwa Ramadhani           Reporter    :  Abel Ranupatma Adi P, Brilliana Aliyyah Putri, Hairlangga, Nazwa Renata Aurilia Muhabbah

Sidoarjo Corner

Wonderfull of Lusi Island Tourism of Delta City is developing. One of them is Lusi Island. This tourism destination was opened on the KecamatanJabon which released at February,2019. But, it had many visitors. It until 88.112 at September. KabidPariwisataDisporaparSidoarjo Wahyu Utamisaid that Lusi Island as the superior ecotourism. It had beautiful scenery. Many mangrove that located near of embouchure. “We were promoted about Lusi Island because it include in nomination in API 2019 the second position after mangrove in Langsa Aceh,’’ she said. Utamisaid that at the beginning of 2019, Lusi Island only vited by 500–600 visitors. Now, since April 2019, there are 12.000 until 19.000 visitors come every month. This island formed based on silt which come from mudflow disaster that happened in Pororng, Sidoarjo. almost 12 years the mud blow up and through to the Porong River. Then the river flow delivered the mud and formed new island. Its called Lusi Island (LimpurSido...

Salam Redaksi

Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin Redaksi bersyukur kepada Allah atas berkah rahmat dan hidayah-Nya, redaksi mampu menerbitkan majalah MAKE ONE yang pertama. Ucapan terimakasih tak lupa redaksi sampaikan kepada Mr. Syamsuhari S.T., S.Pd.,MM., M.Pd.I. selaku kepala madrasah dan juga Ma’am Nur Hayati Mariyana selaku wali kelas 8.1. Pada edisi kedua dengan penerbit yang berbeda, kali ini kami akan menyajikan beberapa berita seputar figure pendidikan di sekolah kami yaitu Mr. Syamsuhari. Selain itu kami juga akan menyajikan hal-hal mengenai kota Sidoarjo dan juga informasi mengenai MTs Bilingual Muslimat NU PucangSidoarjo. Akhir kata redaksi mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu proses penulisan majalah dan terimakasih kepada seluruh pembaca yang selalu mendukung kami. Redaksi menyadari tentu masih banyak kekurangan dan jauh dari kata sempurna, untuk itu redaksi memohon maaf sebesar-besarnya. Redaksi akan selalu menerima saran dan kritikan dari pembaca, sem...

School Corner

ECI  (English Competence Improvement)   Bilingual Muslimat NU Sidoarjo built since 2012. Even though MTs Bilingual Muslimat NU Sidoarjo still young, but many achievement was reached. One of award that reached “ THE BEST CREATIVE & INNOVATIVE ISLAMIC SCHOOL OF THE YEAR 2018 ”. The solutions that the headmaster gave to the MTs Bilingual to maintain the prestiges are innovation and upgrade. Life is not dynamism. Every lack should be on renovation. One way to reach the intention and the vision and mission of MTs Bilingual is ECI. Mrs. Arina Hidayati as the Leader of LBI in MI and MTs Bilingual Muslimat NU Sidoarjo said that “ECI is the alternative way to increase English Improvement of the student in the school. Almost same with TOEFL, but the different are, TOEFL exactly only consist of science and English material. But ECI was accordance to our curriculum which uses English language in almost all subjects. It does in morning habituation. Like T...

Education Corner

YASMIN KAMILA ABLE TO CREATE A UNIQUE LEARNING METHOD UNTIL ACHIEVED  THE HIGHEST UNBK VALUE IN SIDOARJO One of the student in MTs Bilingual was make proud our school because of her achievement in the highest score of UjianNasionalBerbasisKomputer (UNBK) and also called as Computer Based Test (CBT) that held on april month 2018. Yasmin kamila succeed to achieve the highest score of UNBK (level of MTs) with the score 377,00. Initially, Yasmin Kamila did not expect to be able to achieve this value from the 4 subjects she had worked on. Yasmin Kamila's name is the first of the five best MTs students in Sidoarjo. Yasmin Kamila's parents were proud of the achievements of her eldest daughter. The learning method that used is not different from normal days.She often summarize the contents of the book being taught. In addition, Yasmin Kamila also diligently answered training questions or execise. Madrasah also facilitate an online tryout every week that must be done by all s...

Tips Menghalau Strees Saat Ujian

Strees saat ujian? Menurut para ahli, strees adalah suatu kondisi dimana kita dihadapkan pada kesempatan, batasan, atau tuntutan-tuntutan yang berkaitan dengan keinginan kita. Kondisi itu penting, namun tidak setara dengan kemampuan yang kita miiki dan menimbulkan perasaan tidak pasti. Sebagai manusia, kita tentu nggak bakalan terhindar 100% dari yang namanya strees. Tapi tunggu dulu, kadang strees juga bisa membuat kita lebh semangat dan lebih kreatif. Sebetulnya strees itunggak bisa dihindari, namun sebaliknya kita harus bisa mengelola strees yang menghinggapi. Caranya? dengan membuat kondisi-kondisi yang berpotensi mengalihkan strees menjadi perilaku yang efektif. Pertama dengan membiasakan otak kitauntuk berfikir positif. Kedua, hindari kondisi pemicu strees dan waktu belajar yang kurang. Tips Jitu Menghalau Strees    Selain dua cara efektif yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, ada baiknya kalian mencoba tips-tips berikut yang juga efektif untuk menghalau strees ...